AQUARIUS (JAN 20-FEB 19) Kind of a stunning month, if you like dramatic change, unexpected events, and lots of popular uprisings. February kicks off with the Venus- Uranus square making a potent aspect to the February 2nd new moon. Fun, excitement, and a dose of the unexpected - not to mention really bad weather. Venus and Uranus stimulate what you really want and need and their influence continues for a good couple of weeks. Meanwhile Venus enters Capricorn on the 4th and squares Jupiter: you're feeling good, happy, and solid. Relish this delicious combination which, together with the North Lunar Node, brings a wonderful sense of being loved. And your Aquarian self has no choice but to take it in - especially when Venus catches up to Pluto and you get all deep and mushy.All month long Mars marches forward in Aquarius in step with the Sun. This conjunction brings you a lot of physical activity; you're doing a ton of things and not always paying attention. This can make you a bit physically vulnerable so be mindful while sculpting those abs - don't drop any weights on your toes! From the 15th to 20th you get all serious about relationships when Venus squares Saturn, perhaps missing someone. But it's fleeting -- right at the end of the month several planets conspire to get your Aquarian brain firing on its many cylinders again.