Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February Astrology Forecast

AQUARIUS (JAN 20-FEB 19) Kind of a stunning month, if you like dramatic change, unexpected events, and lots of popular uprisings. February kicks off with the Venus- Uranus square making a potent aspect to the February 2nd new moon. Fun, excitement, and a dose of the unexpected - not to mention really bad weather. Venus and Uranus stimulate what you really want and need and their influence continues for a good couple of weeks. Meanwhile Venus enters Capricorn on the 4th and squares Jupiter: you're feeling good, happy, and solid. Relish this delicious combination which, together with the North Lunar Node, brings a wonderful sense of being loved. And your Aquarian self has no choice but to take it in - especially when Venus catches up to Pluto and you get all deep and mushy.All month long Mars marches forward in Aquarius in step with the Sun. This conjunction brings you a lot of physical activity; you're doing a ton of things and not always paying attention. This can make you a bit physically vulnerable so be mindful while sculpting those abs - don't drop any weights on your toes! From the 15th to 20th you get all serious about relationships when Venus squares Saturn, perhaps missing someone. But it's fleeting -- right at the end of the month several planets conspire to get your Aquarian brain firing on its many cylinders again.
PISCES (FEB 20-MARCH19) The first half of the month is especially exciting because the new moon on the 2nd captures some fabulous Venus-Uranus energy. The world is changing and revolution is afoot. Of course Uranus and the new moon also mess up your travel plans.You have to just go with this - the Venus aspects are so sweet you don't want to leave home anyway.Have a romantic cross-country ski adventure, or go sit in a steambath.The sun enters your own sign on the 19th, the day after a big full moonin the last degree of Leo. This full moon opposes Neptune and triggers the effects of the Venus-Saturn square. Your expectations may be out of sync with reality in relation to someone you're close to. Be careful of disappointment, or of your needs not being met. I know - you're thinking this month is a set up! The first half is all about fulfilling intimacy and the second half is about the opposite. Oh well, you have little control over anyone's behavior. Like I said - go to the steambath and enjoy some Piscean vapors.

ARIES (MAR22-APR 20) Jupiter is in your sign and oh oh oh. Life is bursting open around you. You love the Uranus Venus effects of popular uprisings happening every minute. Well, listen; it's time to have your own. Throw off that internal dictator. This is when your desires for your life, for love, and for fulfillment get to march through your dreams in capital letters: you cannot miss the message this time around. Venus wants to be heard, and first Uranus helps her shout and then Jupiter amplifies, and what a beautiful sound it is! Then comes Pluto to help you dig deep into your soul and Saturn to strengthen your commitment to those you love. It doesn't get better than this. Be gentle with yourself around the full moon on the 18th, when expectations can get confused. Be truthful and real.

TAURUS (APR20- MAY21) Your ruling planet Venus plays a major role in world events and in your life this month.Venus is helping move along all of these popular uprisings, and its square to Uranus also delivers some surprising events on the home front. It is a time to rekindle intimacies and nurture what is really important to you.Venus enters Capricorn on the 4th and immediately conjoins the North Lunar Node and squares Jupiter - a really good combination for deep connection. Then Venus moves into a conjunction with Pluto, so those deep connections get even deeper.It is a good time to reflect on your ancestral roots.Then mid-month, the Venus Saturn square allows you torecommit to your core values and desires. Meanwhile the Mars Sun conjunction - which is in effect until the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th-- will help you get a lot of work done and also rejuvenate your regimen of physical healing and strengthening.

GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20) The first week of February brings a beautiful and powerful new moon, which in addition to crystallizing popular uprisings in the Mideast, inspires a great deal of creative itchiness in your life. Let the winds of Jupiter in Aries bring something new and different into the parts of your life that feel stale. Feeling snowbound isn't helping! The conjunction of Mars and the Sun that is in effect most of the month makes you want to move your body. Go dancing! And there is a huge opportunity this month for growth and inspiration, for connection and deep relationships. Savor the relationships you have and the community you have built, and in the meantime have some fun, take some risks, follow your heart. Use the Mercury Neptune conjunction to get inspired in the middle of the month and then use Venus and Saturn commit to that inspiration.

CANCER (JUN21-JUL20) Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all on the earth axis at the beginning of the month, and their influences are crystallized in the new moon on the 2nd. So this means lots of change, excitement, unexpected clarity about what you need and want and perhaps some unexpected opportunities for fulfillment. Then Venus enters Capricorn on the 4th, immediately conjunct the North Lunar Node and squaring Jupiter. This is a really good time for relationships, for enjoying them, deepening them, savoring them. Then Venus moves into an aspect with Pluto and you have to confront your deepest desires and fears about intimacy. Mid month Venus squares Saturn - right around the full moon on the 18th with confusing Sun -Neptune aspects. Be careful about boundaries so you don't lose your shirt in relation to someone. It is an important time for you to value your own needs and integrity, and you may feel someone has gone too far.

LEO (JUL21-AUG 20) Uranus and Venus and Jupiter are ushering in a new day for many people around the globe, and for you as well. Allow your life to be infected with this particular bug, and take the risk, make the changes you've been wanting to make. Your real values are awakened by these powerful world events, and you can no longer abide those places where you are feeling constrained. It is just not going to work anymore. Get ready to do some deep relationship work this month - you'll feel good and connected at the start of the month but watch for some unrealistic expectations that could get you into trouble around the full moon in Leo on the 18th. Otherwise it is a delightful month. You have lots of energy for work and play and things that have been stuck are starting to move.

VIRGO (AUG 21-SEPT20) The start of the month brings unexpected connections with people. It is a good time for intimacy on all levels as the planets take you on a journey to explore commitment, desire, and fear. Go with it-- you'll learn a great deal. At first, Venus and Uranus may make you feel a bit antsy emotionally, as if there is something bigger out there that you want in order to feel fulfilled. Venus then enters Capricorn on the 4th and immediately makes a conjunction to the North Lunar Node and a square to Jupiter. As I said, this is wonderful for intimacy, for feeling nurtured by family and friends, and so the emotional antsiness should pass. Then Venus moves on to Pluto, at which point you will confront some fear -- perhaps of commitment or of loss. Mid-month the full moon brings up some issues about expectations, and then Venus and Saturn square and you get to do the hard but satisfying work of deepening intimacy and commitment.

LIBRA (SEPT 21-OCT 21) Well, honey, it's time to shake off the winter blues and get back in your body. Venus and Uranus are squared at the top of the month, a combination I always like for romance. Then Venus enters Capricorn on the 4th and immediately makes a conjunction to the North Lunar Node and also squares Jupiter. This is about sensuality and feeling deliciously loved. Don't fight it! Put yourself in Venus' hands this month - after all, the Egyptians have. Have yourself a popular uprising and get your needs met! Venus first brings you the love and good feeling, and then together with Pluto and Saturn Venus helps you face your fears and grapple with commitment. All this while the Sun Mars conjunction makes you (finally!) get focused on work and back to your gym routine.

SCORPIO (OCT22-NOV21) The Sun Mars conjunction is making you yearn for freedom of movement - yes, you're a bit stir crazy and snowbound and sick of wearing all those sweaters. Meanwhile Venus is very prominent this month, and starts off the month squaring Uranus and just exacerbating your emotional antsiness. Then Venus enters Capricorn on the 4th and aspects first Jupiter, then Pluto, and then Saturn. You will be pushing hard at boundaries in relationships. It is a good month for doing some deep relationship work and getting to the bottom of things with people close to you. The full moon in Leo on the 18th will bring some unaligned expectations to a crisis level, then Venus and Saturn help you sort it out and recommit on more solid ground.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22-DEC21) Jupiter is in Aries and you are feeling purposeful and energetic. You feel excited and energized by the political change occurring in North Africa and the Mideast -- god knows, Sagittarians love a revolution. Venus enters Capricorn, conjoins the North Lunar Node, and squares Jupiter just after the new moon on the 2nd. This is a great combination for enjoying intimacy and reveling in a sense of community. You're feeling very hopeful and inspired about all of your passions. The check and balance to all this Jupiterian expansiveness comes mid month when Venus transits Pluto and then Saturn. It's time to let go of some fears and allow yourself to take risks emotionally. Go deep!

CAPRICORN (DEC21-JAN 19) What an interesting month! The new moon on the 2nd is very powerful and capture the revolutionary energy of the Venus Uranus square. You're feeling excited and full of vision. Then Venus enters Capricorn and immediately makes some beautiful aspects to the North Lunar Node and to Jupiter. These aspects are all about intimacy and connection. Allow yourself to feel loved! Then Venus catches up to Pluto, and so you will have to take a look at both a few fears and a few very deep desires. The full moon on the 18th brings up issues of misaligned expectations, but it's all good and necessary. Then Venus and Saturn enable you to do the deep work to renegotiate and recommit.
Pat Maher is an astrologer and homeopath. Contact her at:
Read more of her astrology musings -- such as Venus and Uranus and recent upheaval in the Mideast at

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